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Devi Aryani Marpaung


Ducks are livestock that are kept by many people. Statistics show that Indonesia consistently produces more ducks each year. The rise in duck production indicates a rise in the use and consumption of ducks. Due to the large population of ducks, both communicable and non-communicable diseases are frequently quite prevalent. Breeders of ducks are affected by this, so they need information about duck diseases from an expert. In order to identify the disease being experienced before it progresses to a more serious stage, an expert system application is required to diagnose disease based on symptoms. The goal of this system is to mimic an expert system's knowledge and problem-solving abilities. The certainty factor and forward chaining techniques were applied in the creation of this expert system. The data search procedure in the forward chaining method begins at the premise and ends at the conclusion. Furthermore, the certainty factor is applied to quantify certainty. According to the study's findings, duck diseases were divided into eighteen categories by gathering thirty symptoms and assigning a confidence level to each one between 0 and 1. Based on this choice, the name of the duck disease and its percentage level will be shown.


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