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haditsah annur
Moh.Efendi Lasulika


Cars are one of the vehicles that are the daily needs of the people, not only the use of new cars is in demand, but now used cars are also in great demand because the quality of used cars is still good and the many types of used cars are sold in the market. The aim of the researchers is to increase public interest in switching to buying used cars. This study uses data mining methods, one of which is prediction using the Naive Bayes algorithm as an algorithm that uses probabilistic and statistical methods to predict the future, besides that the data is also processed using forward selection feature selection which aims to reduce the level of complexity of a classification algorithm while increasing accuracy. The research data used were 2318 records, in this study an experiment was carried out with the accuracy results obtained using split validation on the naive Bayes algorithm of 96.98% and then another experiment was carried out to obtain accurate results using split validation on the naive bayes algorithm based on forward selection of 97.82 %. Thus the naive Bayes algorithm based on forward selection is suitable for predicting, as well as being used for handling in the future that there are still many used cars that are of interest to the public..


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